Beyond Boundaries: A Success Story

in Franchise Growth with Real World Consultancy

“RWC was very supportive and seemed to ask the right questions to get me thinking about organic growth. My strategic growth coach was also good at making me accountable! Thank you" - Shelley

Case Study with shelley kendall from Nature Makers Franchise

To summarise:

Real World Consultancy's transformative strategic support helped ex-teacher, Shelley Kendall, revolutionise her career after she bought into the Nature Makers Franchise. Witness the remarkable journey to a 43% overall increase in Business Strength Score, as Shelley strategically automated her business, embraced organic growth, and positioned herself as an expert.

  • Learn how Real World Consultancy guided Shelley in creating a robust business strategy, tapping into school collaborations, newsletters, and local media exposure.

  • Explore how Shelley streamlined her operations, saving time and increasing productivity through tailored automation.

  • Find out how we boosted Shelley's personal business owner strengths, focusing on confidence, satisfaction, work/life balance, and productivity.

The problem she faced as a business owner

Real World Consultancy worked with ex-teacher Shelley Kendall as she embraced a new career buying into the Nature Makers Franchise who are the UK's leading provider of mindful nature art, craft and play experiences for both children and adults.  Studies have estimated that failure rates for franchises can be as high as 50%, so it’s important to build a business strategy on firm foundations.


Shelley is a fully qualified teacher who has worked in Education for over a decade and a half; she has an Art & Design qualification and is a lifelong Art scholar, finding inspiration in the natural world.  Shelley is a big believer that each individual has the power to make subtle changes that can have a considerable impact on the environment and to sustain our planet. She thinks that has never been more vital for young people to connect in meaningful ways with the world around them, so she is invested in making her business a success.


When Shelley began her one-to-one strategic sessions with Real World Consultancy her main aims were to:

  • Maximise her time and productivity by automating the back office functions to have time to focus on scalable growth.

How we helped

At the beginning, Shelley’s Business Strength Analyser score was 52%. This is an amalgamation of scores for products and services, sales, customers, strategy, team, finance, technology, formalities, and wider impact. 


During the coaching sessions we focused on:

  • Creating a business strategy for Shelley’s franchise including the benefits of working directly with schools

  • Supported her to create newsletters and developing a plan to position herself as the expert and appear on local radio.

The Results

By the end of the programme Shelley’s growth strategy was being implemented and she had marketing plans for the various strands of her business and was using automations to stream line her processes.


In the follow up Business Strengths Analyzer, Shelley’s scores had increased in every category with an overall increase of 43%.

In terms of her personal business owner strengths these scores had boosted by 3X in each of the four categories, (confidence as a business owner, satisfaction with business, work/life balance and being focused and productive.)

Ready to book a Strategic Planning Day?

Are you a business owner ready to map out a powerful year ahead?

Do you crave clarity and a concrete plan to achieve your professional and personal goals?

Our dedicated Strategic Planning Day is designed to provide you with the space, structure, and expert guidance you need to transform your vision into a reality. Or if you are looking for regular 1-1 sessions to help you implement your strategy, then we recommend a strategic partnership.