Making time for reflection

This December at RWC we are taking time to reflect on the year.

Reflection can be seen as one of those things we don’t have time for, but actually thinking about how far we’ve come can be important for us to move forward.

According to Jennifer Porter writing in the Harvard Business Review: “Reflection gives the brain an opportunity to pause amidst the chaos, untangle and sort through observations and experiences, consider multiple possible interpretations, and create meaning. This meaning becomes learning, which can then inform future mindsets and actions. For leaders, this “meaning making” is crucial to their ongoing growth and development.”

It’s a generalisation, but often when we begin to coach our clients we find that they are very good at beating themselves up about not doing things, and not so good at celebrating their successes, however small these are perceived to be.

Having a victory board to record these wins is a great way of finding motivation and silencing that inner critical voice that can undermine our planning.

Here are our top 10 achievements, in 2024 -

1. Worked with over 200 businesses across Worcestershire

2. Facilitated over 20 collaborations between our clients and hosted regular networking events to encourage connections and tackle isolation.

3. Hosted another sell out BizFest event which has grown each year.

4. Developed our service offering to support even more business owners

5. Won a new tender and developed our ‘Fuelled by Funding’ business arm to support start up business owners.

6. Expanded our RWC team.

7. A finalist for two prestigious business awards

8. Wrote our very first book - The Ambitious Blueprint

9. Launched a brand new sister company - The Strategic Circle

10. Collaborated with multiple businesses in Worcestershire to host a successful BCORP event.

Take time this December to reflect on what your achievements have been and celebrate each one.

Make a victory board and fill it with all your 2024 victories (no matter how small), as well as some reviews and testimonials that will help you remember why you do what you do.

Book in for a FREE discovery call here if you’d like some help preparing your 2025 business strategy.

Here’s to a very successful, healthy and happy new year for you all!


5 strategies for success instead of making new years resolutions.


Discover Your Purpose: What is your ‘why?’