From Screen Time to Me Time: How Kate achieved

her Passive Income Goals

“These sessions have helped me get clearer on my ideas. My strategic growth coach helped me understand which ideas sounded most successful and how I should go about creating them/marketing them. I learnt time blocking techniques to help me manage my time efficiently and to become more productive as I get distracted easily. " - Kate

Case Study with Kate Garner from Snowfinch Social Media

To summarise:

Real World Consultancy help entrepreneurs to achieve their ambitious business goals by exploring the current strengths and weaknesses of the business whilst helping the business owner to push forward with new opportunities.

  • In this case study we showcase the exciting growth of Kate Garner, a freelance social media manager based in Malvern, Worcestershire.

  • Kate developed a new strategic approach to maximise opportunities for increased cash flow.

  • She learnt time management techniques to increase productivity.

The problem she faced as a business owner

When Kate began one-to-one business coaching with Real World Consultancy her main aims were to:

  • Continue gaining work but free up time by developing passive income ideas

  • Kate also wanted to learn how to grow her current email newsletter mailing list to nurture new leads.

  • Develop new lead magnets.  

How we helped

At the beginning, Kate had a Business Strength Analyser score of 34%. (This is an amalgamation of scores for products and services, sales, customers, strategy, team, finance, technology, formalities, and wider impact.)

During the strategic growth sessions, we went through marketing techniques to bring new leads into her sales funnel and analysed new ways to convert these leads using her email marketing strategy. 

We worked on product/service development and explored ways to bring them to market. We also helped Kate to grow her business by encouraging her to outsource and delegate tasks in order to free up some of her time. 

The Results

By the end of the strategic support, Kate has a new business strategy in place to produce regular passive income. 

In the final Business Strengths assessment, her scores had increased in every category with an overall increase of 79%. 

We worked hard to improve her business owner strengths including productivity and work/life balance which was her ultimate goal at the beginning.

Her offering increased by 53% and strategy increased by a whopping 350% after we worked on new passive income streams resulting in an increase in both sales and new customers.

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