Worcestershire business coaching programme

10 hours one to one with a strategic partner

Picture this: Six glorious hours, just you and a RWC Partner focused completely on crafting your Ambitious Growth Blueprint! We'll align your personal, professional, and business goals, building a crystal-clear roadmap for growth. Followed by either a further four hour strategy day, or, four powerful 60-minute one to one sessions to help you break through any roadblocks and turn that blueprint into reality!



*Worcestershire based business owner or sole trader who has been trading for less than 3 years?

What do you get?

A One to OneStrategy Day with an Associate Strategic Partner(6hrs)

  • We will review together the results of your Ambitious Growth Diagnostic (which you will have done as part of your onboarding) to dig deeper in to your personal vision, why and goals. We will also help you to find your zone of genius and your upper limit so that we can help you to push through it!

  • We will explore your business mission, vision, values, USP, Target Audience and Service/Product Catalogue, getting hands on with post it’s to help you ensure your foundations are solid!

  • We will then help you to assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in your business to create a strategy on a page ( a strategic aim, 5 themes, 3 year goals and 12 month goals)

  • We will together identify what your ‘one metric that matters’ is to keep you laser focused

  • We will finish by helping you to turn all of this in to a 3 month set of of Objective, Key Results (OKR’s) to help keep you laser focused! AND you will set some concrete actions to take away between this session and the next!

Follow on session(s) with your partner: (4 hrs)

You then have 4 hours, one to one, JUST FOR YOU! So you can use it in one of a few ways. Eliza will help you to work out which options is right for you when booking you in on your on-boarding call.

  • 4 x 60 minute sessions over an 8 week period leaning in to coaching to help you to get out of your own way to deliver your strategy? Accountability and action setting is a given, but perhaps you want to dig deeper in to your behaviours, boundaries, or upper limit? Maybe you want to explore your leadership style, tackle procrastination or work on your productivity. Our Partners are all highly qualified and excellent coaches, so why not take the opportunity to dig deep!

  • One 4 hour follow on Strategy day. Fancy a second strategy day? You can have another four hours of solid focus. You might want to take the first strategy day at a slower pace to dig deeper as you go, or, you may want to use the follow on to target specific areas you identify in the first day where you would like your partner to help facilitate your thoughts on to paper.

    Some common areas are:

    • Planning out your resources for your 3 year goals to bring them to life (who do you need, what tech do you need and what is it going to cost??)

    • Exploring your services/products and roadmap in more detail and pricing models

    • Mapping out your pipeline and sales processes

    • Turning an idea in to a more concrete service/product/ plan

Your partner is not there to give you the answers, but their super power is in drawing out the answers from you, they are master facilitators, passionate about strategy and business growth, and highly qualified coaches.

What does a partner do?

Partnership provided by RWC is best described as one to one coaching mixed with strategic planning, facilitation, and community.

But what does that really mean in practice?

  • Your partner will carefully question you to identify your goals.

  • Your partner will use their facilitation skills to help you map out areas where you aren't clear to create your clear Ambitious Growth Blueprint.

  • Your partner will use their planning skills to help you come up with realistic and easily implementable plans, increasing focus and reducing overwhelm.

  • Your partner will help you identify areas you may want to seek specialist support.

  • Your partner will coach you through blockers.

  • Your partner will hold you accountable.

  • You decide your actions.

  • You do the graft.

  • You see the results.

Working with a partner involves a collaborative and personalised approach where the coach works with you to identify goals, challenges, and areas for improvement. The relationship is built on trust, confidentiality, and a commitment to your growth and success.

It's important to note that this is not consultancy/advice. Our Partners are not here to tell you what to do.

The logistics

  • Once your application is approved by WCC, we will be given the thumbs up to on-board you.

  • A member of the RWC Operations team will be in-touch to book you in for an on-boarding call.

  • You will be asked to complete the ‘Ambitious Growth Diagnostic’ before your On-boarding.

  • In your on-boarding call we will get your sessions in the diary with your partner, show you your portal, and answer any questions you may have.

  • All Strategy Days are primarily done in person in our office in Upton Snodsbury, we do have an online option for those who prefer this option. All follow on one to one’s are run on google meets.

  • You will receive calendar invites for all of your sessions.

  • You will be added to the Enterprising Worcestershire Programme Whatsapp group so that you can collaborate and build connections with other local business owners across this cohort, and previous ones.

  • You'll complete your impactful strategy day and follow up, witnessing tangible results along the way. We'll wrap things up with a final diagnostic to track your progress, a straightforward funding form for WCC, and a friendly off boarding call to celebrate your achievements!

Meet the Partners

  • Business Planning Summit

    Christina Lynch

    Senior Strategic Partner

  • Sophie Weller

    Associate Strategic Partner

The Programme results so far…

Submit your initial application below.

What happens once you click submit?

  • 1. We will check your high level eligibility, and as long as you hit the criteria we will hand you over to Worcestershire County Council (WCC) to apply in full. (we will drop you an email to let you know that we have handed you over)

  • 2. The team at WCC will send you a link to their online portal to apply in full

  • 2. WCC will review your application (this can take a few days so don’t worry if you don’t hear anything straight away)

  • 3. WCC will come back with any queries/ approval or rejection

  • 4. If approved you will be sent an offer letter to sign

  • 5. Once your offer letter is signed you will be passed back to RWC to get onboarded and we can get you booked in for your coaching.

  • Download our Crib sheet to help you apply


  • All of your sessions will be booked in during on-boarding at which time you will be given an end date of your off-boarding session.

  • If you are a registered business who has registered within 3 years you will likely only need to provide your company number.

    Similarly, if you are self employed and have only regsitered for a UTR number within the last 3 years you will likely only need to provide your UTR letter from HMRC.

    If you have been trading less than 3 years, but registered your business before this date with companies house, you may be asked to provide evidence of your accounts.

    If you trade in Worcestershire but your business address is registered outside of the county, i.e with an accountant, you may be asked to provide a business rates letter, or a bank account letter.

    WCC will work with you to let you know what you need to provide.

What people say about the programme